Case Study
GWS Silences the Competition
A supplier for the “Big Three”
Part and Material
Automotive Front Bumper - Aluminum

The Situation
Our customer was facing tool chatter when milling – so loud it could be heard from the parking lot of the customer’s facility. While the noise was the main concern, there was also an issue with excessive burrs and a poor finish. The burr generated during milling required a secondary deburring process, which created a significant bottleneck in production. The finish was also never quite what the client wanted, requiring post-polishing operations to correct. After extensive trials, this customer had settled upon a large competitor’s tool to complete the job in a Haas VF6. It was the best “off-the-shelf” tool they could find for the application.
Current Process Results
- Constant tool chatter
- Standard ¾ inch end mill in Haas VF6
- Excessive burrs
- Additional processes to remove burrs
New GWS Solution
- Customized Alumigator™ AFT 3-flute end mill
- Refined edge honing
- 50% increased feed rate
- 75% decreased tool chatter
- Reduced cycle time by 20%

When our customer implemented our customized Alumigator™ end mill, it was noticeable enough that the entire facility stopped what they were doing, to come and see why and how the machine was so quiet! The deburring process was drastically reduced, eliminating the production bottleneck of parts awaiting deburring, and the finish improved to eliminate manual polishing. While noise reduction was the main objection, GWS also reduced cycle time by 20% and increased the feed rate by 50%. We recognize that the best tool for the job rarely comes off the shelf, hence our commitment to making Custom Come Standard.
Interested in finding out more information about our standard and custom tools? Consider contacting the experts who make Custom Come Standard, and let us find the perfect cutting tool for you. Just send us an email at to get started!

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