
Series 105

Spiral Point Tap | Plug

Hss Taps For Ferrous And Non-Ferrous Materials


  • Popular Specials
  • High Speed Steel (HSS)
  • Stocked Bright finish
  • Gun tap for through holes
  • ANSI Tap - Refer to USCTI Table 302/303 for dimensions
  • Custom taps as fast as 24hrs



Work Materials

Series Data

Part taps_thread_size taps_thread_limit flutes Stock
15001 00-90 NS H1 - 5
15003 00-96 NS H1 - 14
15008 0-80 NF H3 - 5
15020 1-56 NS H1 - 1
15078 4-40 NC H3 2 17
15120 6-32 NC H5 2 18
15126 6-32 NC H7 2 1
15132 6-32 NC H11 2 41
15150 6-40 NF H3 2 8
15156 6-48 NS H2 2 13
15180 8-32 NC H5 2 8
15186 8-32 NC H7 2 9
15192 8-32 NC H11 2 4
15216 8-40 NS H2 2 9
15234 10-24 NC H5 2 15
15240 10-24 NC H7 2 5
15246 10-24 NC H11 2 21
15282 10-32 NF H4 2 3
15288 10-32 NF H5 2 2
15294 10-32 NF H7 2 8
15300 10-32 NF H11 2 17
15324 10-40 NS H2 2 0
15384 12-32 NEF H3 2 5
15492 1/4-20 NC H7 2 19
15498 1/4-20 NC H11 2 7
15534 1/4-24 NS H3 2 7
15552 1/4-28 NF H5 2 13
15558 1/4-28 NF H7 2 1
15564 1/4-28 NF H11 2 8
15588 1/4-32 NEF H3 2 23
15594 1/4-36 NS H2 2 0
15648 5/16-18 NC H7 2 7
15654 5/16-18 NC H11 2 11
15706 5/16-24 NF H11 2 8
15728 5/16-32 NEF H3 2 9
15764 3/8-16 NC H7 3 5
15769 3/8-16 NC H11 3 2
15846 3/8-24 NF H5 3 2
15851 3/8-24 NF H7 3 2
15856 3/8-24 NF H11 3 6
15876 3/8-32 NEF H3 3 2
15906 7/16-14 NC H11 3 5
15961 7/16-20 NF H11 3 5
16011 15/32-32 NS H3 3 0
16046 1/2-13 NC H11 3 3
16138 1/2-20 NF H11 3 6
16163 1/2-28 NEF H3 3 1
16213 9/16-18 NF H11 3 8
16223 9/16-20 NS H3 3 4
16273 5/8-11 NC H11 3 1
16452 3/4-10 NC H11 3 10
16645 7/8-9 NC H4 3 4
16778 1-8 NC H4 3 30
16783 1-8 NC H11 3 3
17557 4-40 NC H11 2 5
17572 1/4-36 NS H3 2 4
17573 1/4-40 NS H2 3 0
17593 4-40 NC H5 2 4
17655 9/16-18 NF H5 3 14
17656 7/8-14 NF H4 3 23
17668 2-56 NC H5 2 2
17670 4-40 NC H7 2 11
17675 5-40 NC H11 2 2
17683 5/8-18 NF H5 3 0
17691 2-56 NC H7 2 11
17692 3/4-16 NF H5 3 3
17697 5-40 NC H5 2 25
17734 2-56 NC H3 2 2
17735 2-56 NC H4 2 0
17737 5/16-24 NF H5 2 3
17738 3/8-16 NC H3 2 0
17906 1-14 NS H4 3 1
17910 4-40 NC H4 2 8
17920 1-1/4-7 H4 3 1
17954 5-40 NC H7 2 14
18331 9/16-12 NC H3 3 7
18337 9/16-18 NF H3 3 10
18353 5/8-18 NF H3 3 3
18374 3/4-16 NF H3 3 0

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