Meet Wendy Myhres, the 1st Shift Manufacturing Supervisor at our GWS-Illinois facility, formerly known as North American Tool Corporation. In this position, Wendy’s responsibilities include supervising the workflow, quality, time and efficiency of our manufacturing team at GWS-IL.

Manufacturing Experience from A to Z

Wendy has been at the GWS-IL plant for over 20 years. She started there when she was just 17 through her high school work study program. Wendy says that, “My main job at 17 was marking and that was before we had laser markers, so we had to hand roll each one!” Obviously, she has seen a lot of technologies evolve alongside her own career. She has had numerous positions in manufacturing, with roles such as CNC lathe operator, CNC mill operator, CNC OD and chamfer grinder, Lead Manufacturing Associate, ISO Coordinator, Inspector and even worked in the inventory and shipping department!

Always Learning

Reflecting on her vast experience in manufacturing, she says that “I am still learning every day, but the knowledge I have acquired over the years has given me a better understanding of all the aspects involved in our manufacturing process. Knowing how to better manage the workflow through the shop always helps whenever we need to find solutions fast.” After receiving her green belt in Six Sigma and transitioning to the GWS Tool Group family last year, Wendy is proud to work at the GWS-IL facility saying that “I love that every day is different, and I work with a great group of people.”

A Full House for The Win

When Wendy is not busy supervising at GWS-IL, she loves spending time with her husband of 19 years and three children. Her daughter Karyssa is a junior in college, son Ryland is a junior in high school, and her youngest son Kaden is a freshman in high school. She loves having a full house and planning the next canoe trips and traveling adventures the whole family can enjoy. When asked what her favorite travel destination was, she was quick to mention Jamaica, but her travel bucket list is a long one! Besides enjoying time with her family, Wendy also can be very crafty so watch out for whatever her next project may be!

Interested in a Career at GWS Tool Group?

If you enjoy working with dedicated people like Wendy, consider applying to GWS Tool Group. We are always looking for talented and driven individuals to work at our facilities in Florida, Indiana, Illinois, Arizona, Michigan, North Carolina and Massachusetts. Browse open jobs here.

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