Coating Tech Jose R. Enjoys Being Part of GWS Success Story
Meet Jose R., who started out as a material handler in our plant at GWS Massachusetts in 2011. Since then, he has mastered a variety of jobs, each one adding to his knowledge of the business and allowing him to advance to positions of increasing responsibility.
In his time with us, Jose has learned about shipping & receiving, packaging, laser marking, inspection and grinding. He previously worked for over eight years as a machinist at a major packaging company, so he brought a lot of practical knowledge about CNC machines and tooling to our operation.
The Science of Coating
Now Jose is one of our Coating Technicians. We depend on him to make sure the machines are running properly and that they’re always clean and ready for the next job. He also performs hardness and thickness inspections to make sure the coating is uniform across the entire tool. “I find coating to be an interesting process,” he said. “Something about seeing it all come together and helping make a great tool even better appeals to me.”
Best Parts of the Job
Naturally, he knows our tools are unique in the marketplace and appreciates being one part of the daily sales, manufacturing and delivery process that is the heartbeat of the company. “Seeing our sales grow day by day is a big accomplishment and I’m happy I can contribute to it,” he said. Jose also enjoys the comfortable, friendly workplace and the fact the company is so busy that the days seem to fly by.
He appreciates the faith we have in him and being given the opportunity to travel to our other facilities to learn new processes and techniques that he can immediately put to use on the job.
Burning Up the Quarter Mile
Jose is very mechanically minded and loves working on cars in his free time. His current project is getting his drag racer to achieve 1,000+ horsepower with a 4-cylinder engine!
Interested in a Career at GWS Tool Group?
If you think Jose has sweet gig and want in on the action, we are always looking for talented and driven individuals to work at our facilities in Florida, Indiana, Michigan and Massachusetts. Browse open jobs here.
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